Danvest enables conventional gensets
to operate below 30% load at low fuel consumption,
while keeping the ability to respond fast to any load changes.
The gensets are ‘grid-forming’ at all times.
The benefits
Robust Power Supply
High Direct Fuel Savings
We offer systems
of 200 kW to 2.000 kW on one skid
Compare with other systems
When sufficient renewable capacity has been installed, Danvest direct fuel savings
will be about surface ‘A + B’. This is without using Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
and without creating spinning reserve via batteries.
The more renewable capacity, the more Danvest will low-load.

To equal Danvest in combination with a solar system, other systems will have to provide a solution
that also will include the fuel savings of surface “B”. But CAPEX and system complexity will then
increase. Most of today’s hybrid projects will limit the amount of solar capacity to avoid area ‘B’
or will apply energy storage systems to shift load to the night.

Danvest in combination with wind turbines is hard to beat.
The unpredicatble nature of wind is not a problem for Danvest and by oversizing wind turbine
capacity, the surface ‘A+B” will also be significant during lower wind speeds.
The occasional surpluses in area ‘C’ do not carry variable costst and can possibly also be used.

“Not having to run a diesel generator when
it is not needed saves the most fuel!”
See how we do it..!